Pasco County Libraries will be CLOSED Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Day. Zephyrhills Public Library will be closed Saturday, January 18. The library will reopen at its regular hours Tuesday, January 21.


                  JANUARY 2004
                  JUNE 2008
                  MARCH 2012
                  AUGUST 2013
                  SEPTEMBER 2018
                  OCTOBER 2019 


Acceptance Statement: 

The Pasco County Library Cooperative considers use of any of the reciprocal borrowing services to constitute acceptance of the Reciprocal Borrowing Policy. 


The Pasco County Library Cooperative works to make the maximum number of resources available to our patrons. To this end, the Library participates in a reciprocal borrowing program with other area libraries. The program is coordinated by the Tampa Bay Library Consortium (TBLC). 

Users with a valid public library card in good standing from more than 20 library cooperatives, including Citrus County, Hernando County, the City of New Port Richey, St. Petersburg Public Library, and libraries in Pinellas County, may check out items from any public library in Pasco County or utilize resources within the library.

View TBLC’s list of participating libraries.

Pasco Library Patrons:

Present your Pasco County Library Cooperative library card at the participating library from which you wish to borrow materials. You may be asked to also provide another form of ID.

Follow the registration procedure required by that library. You may be issued a barcode from that library, which will be affixed to the back of your card or the barcode of your Pasco County Library Cooperative card may be scanned into the library’s database. 

You must abide by the policies of that library.

Materials available for reciprocal borrowing will be at the discretion of the owning library.

Each participating library has its own rules concerning circulation periods, fines, requests and other services.

Interlibrary Loan requests must be placed at your home library.

Borrowers who abuse their privileges at one library will be disqualified from reciprocal borrowing privileges at all participating libraries.

Library Patrons From Other Libraries:

Present your library card from your home library at any Pasco County Library Cooperative location. You will be asked to also provide another form of ID.

Complete the registration form. The barcode of your home library card will be scanned into the library’s database.

Due to contractual obligations, only patrons who hold Pasco County Library Cooperative library cards may borrow e-content and museum passes.

You must abide by the policies of the Pasco County Library Cooperative and its member libraries. To learn about those policies, ask any staff member, or visit the Library Policies page.