What is Automatic Renewal?
- Most items checked out from Pasco County Library Cooperative will automatically renew with no action required by the patron.
Which items automatically renew?
- Most items eligible for checkout may be renewed if they have no outstanding holds by other patrons.
Which items do not automatically renew?
- The following items are not eligible for auto-renewal:
- Museum Passes
- Items with a reservation (hold) by another patron
- Items that has reached the maximum number of (5) renewals
- Items loaned to our patrons from another library in Florida, a/k/a InterLibrary Loans (ILLs)
Does an Automatic Renewal give me less time to borrow an item?
- Loan periods are one day shorter then the actual loan period, because items renew one day prior to their due date.
How am I notified when an item Auto-Renews?
- Auto-Renewal notices are sent via email on the day that the item is renewed. It will include the new due date and may indicate if an outstanding hold exists..
- Patrons are always encouraged to visit their account online to check the status of all their material, including due dates, holds, etc. Patrons are always welcome to call/visit any branch too; staff are happy to help over the phone and in person.